Albert, David Awcock, Norman Backus, Jim Bailey, John Bain, Peter Bandy, Robin Beckett, Donald Bennett, Neil Bentley, John Bingley, Ben Birch, Colin Bousfield, Steve Boyfield, Peter Brand, John Bridge, Dave Brown, John Bruce, Ian Burgess, Brian Butt, Alan Butterworth, Jim Byatt, Dennis Clark, Brian Clarke, Nigel Clear, John Coates, George Colchester,Andrew Cozens, Bill Cross, Mike Cunningham, Jez Cutmore, Nigel Daniells, Malcolm Davies, Norman
Davies, Robert De Neumann, Bernard
Desmond, Tony Devine, Chris
Drake, Colin Dryer, Mike Duncan, George Earney, Ken Emberton, Andy Emery, David Field, Douglas Field, Vivien Forwood, Alan France, Barry Freshwater, Ian Froggatt, Cyril Gardiner, Chris Gay, Chris Gillis, Christine § Gillis, Ian § Greenwood, Dick Hall, Tony Halstead, Don Hampshire, Bernie Harding, Keith Hartley-Smith, Alan Hawkes, Owen Hayes, Debby Hibbett, Chris Hogan, Jim Hogg, Jack Hough, Rod Jessop, Neville Johnston, Derek Kime, Fred Knight, Derek Kyan, John
Lancaster, John Lawrence, John
Lewis, Mike Macdonald, John Mack, Malcolm MacKenzie, Mike Maclean, George Marrs, John Marshall, Christine Marshallsay, Roger Martin, Mike Mason, Jim Matthews, Alan Mears, Denis Merriday, Geoff Moon, David Moore, Peter Morgan, Bryn Mountfort, Bob Neale, Chris Norman, John Partridge, Brian Patrick, Roger
Pearce, John Peto, Derrick Plant, Mike Plumpton, Tony
Pollard, Bob Ponting, Dave Porter, Colin Prior, Alan Roberts, Mike Robinson, George Samways, David Savill, Frank ‡ Simons, Roy
Smith, Graham Smith, Ken Spratt, Clive Steeds, Mike Stevens, Arthur Stringer, Janet Tarrant, John Thomas, Doug Turk, Alan Turner, Les Valentine, Gerry ‡ Vellacott, Tom Waddell, Jim Wander, Judith (Tim) Ward, Don Watson, June Wayman, Jim Webb, Robin Wheeler, Geoff Whitlock, Ian Wilkinson, Ken Woollard, Sam Worby, Richard Young, Arthur |
Comments (6)
Ian Gillis said
at 5:30 pm on Feb 13, 2016
New list prepared from CSV export of MOGS member list. said
at 9:38 pm on Mar 5, 2016
From memory, and Rogues Gallery,' Desmond, Alan' really ought to be 'Desmond, Tony'.
J. Marrs said
at 9:43 pm on Mar 5, 2016
Also 'Mears, Denis' appears twice.
Ian Gillis said
at 11:39 am on Mar 6, 2016
Thank you, John. These lists were generated automatically by exporting a CSV file from the Yahoo Group member list, deleting unwanted fields and re-exporting as a text file. Some manual intervention was required where the Yahoo ID and/or email address were cryptic. Tony (was Alan) Desmond was a typo, there are two members called Denis Mears - I've asked him which to delete.
james parker said
at 4:52 pm on Jan 20, 2017
Dear Ian I'd like the opportunity to add my contribution to experiences with the company but seem to be
having problems accessing the necessary site. Advice please. Regards James Parker Field Services 12Aug 85 on
Ian Gillis said
at 5:36 pm on Jan 2, 2019
James - I've just stumbled on your comment; if you're ex-Marconi a good first step would be to join the MOGS group at
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