
Useful computer reference sites

Page history last edited by Alan Hartley-Smith 8 years, 7 months ago

Computer Equipment



Although it made some unique contributions Marconi was not a leading player in the computer industry but there were other UK companies who were, some in particular with whom Marconi got to work closely, so it is useful to reference sources of information on this aspect. 


Computer Conservation Society


Our Computer Heritage


MOSI - Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester


The National Museum of Computing


The Jim Austin Computer Collection  - his comprehensive list


Museum of Computing


Centre for Computing History


Computing Futures Museum


Science Museum, London


Alan Turing Home Page


Turing Archive for the History of Computing


Antique Computers


Early British Computers - this is referenced in our page and is said to be being updated so we should get into it


UK National Archive for the History of Computing


Types of Computer







Computer Equipment


Comments (1)

Ian Gillis said

at 10:06 pm on Feb 15, 2016

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