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Page history last edited by Ian Gillis 2 months, 4 weeks ago Saved with comment





NB: Including Curricula Vitae, Tributes and Obituaries where appropriate. In addition to individual bios listed below there is a page of selected photographs of deceased radar personnel at "In Memoriam - Photographs".


Chris Arnold

Bunny (Francis) Austin

Paul Baird

Gerry Bamford

Bob Baxter

Don Beckett

Neil Bennett

Ben Bingley

Geoff Blake

Don Bloomfield

Sam Bond

Steve Bousfield

Geoff Boyes

Peter Boyfield

John Brand

Reg Brooke

Joe Støbseth Brown

John Brown

John Brown QA

Alan Browning

Mike Butcher

Iain Butler

Alan Butt

Brian Burgess

Dennis Byatt

George Byrne

Peter Carr

Alan Cheesewright

Keith Chittenden

Doug Clements

Kenneth Coates

Andrew Colchester

C D Colchester

Harry Cole

Tony Condon

John Crispin

Pat Cross

John Crozier

Ron Cummings

Alan Cushing

Malcolm Daniells

Norman Davies

Charles Albert Dinse

Dr. J.M.Dodds


Ian Donaldson

Vincent Earl

Sir Eric Eastwood

Col. E.N.Elford

Abe Ellis

E-R (H N C Ellis-Robinson)

Ken Elliott

Harold Emms

Peter Eves

Norman Faulkner

Len Firmin

Barry France

Ian Freshwater

Cyril Froggatt

Clive Gildersleeves

Eric Gildersleve

Wendy Gill

Ian Gillis

Stephen Hall

Don Halstead

Shirley Harman

Geoff Harris

Alan Hartley-Smith

Mike Healey

Chris Hibbett

John (Johnny) Hibble

Jim Hogan

Jack Hogg

Bob Holloway

Dave Hope

Ron Howick

John Hunt

Ted Jeffery

Brian Kendon


Fred Kime

Ken Knight

John Lancaster

Mike Lane

Colin Latham

Mike Lewis

H. John Lawrence

Mike Leadbeater

Dave Lloydall

John Macdonald

Mike Macken

Mike Mackenzie

B N Maclarty

John Mark

John Marrs

Mike Martin

Vic Martin

Alan Matthews

George Millington

Bob Mountfort

Bruce Neale

Bernard de Neumann

Pat Nicholls

Brian Partridge

John Pearce

Ted Pegram

Tom Perkins

Ken Perry

Barry Pettican

Nick Pinnock

Tony Plumpton

Dave Price

Bob Prior

Bill Raistrick

Rod Reeder

Pam Reynolds

Robin Reynolds

Kent Robinson

John Robson

Julien Ryley

David Samways 

Bernard Sayers



Roger Shipway

Roy Simons

A/C Ted Sismore

Doug Skingley

Tony Slocombe

Graham Smith

Ken Smith

Ben Starksfield

Mike Steeds

Eric Steele

Alec Stewart

Max Stothard

Tom Straker

John Sutherland

Gerry (G N S) Taylor

John Taylor

Martin Taylor

Brian Thompson

Graham Tickle

Nick Tovey

Alan Turk

Gerry Valentine

H J H Wassell

Derek Watkins

Jim Wayman

Robin Webb

Ted Wells

John Wells

Geoff Wheeler

Len Whitaker

Bill White

Ian Whitlock

John Whittaker


Jack Wild

Fred Wilde

Percy Williams

Ray Willis

Richard Wilsher

Graham Wing

John Winstanley

Mike Wolf

Sam Woollard

Richard Worby

Norman Wright

Digby Worthy

Arthur Young

Andrew Yuille





Comments (1)

Ian Gillis said

at 4:42 pm on Feb 10, 2016

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